No more teleporting between planets - space travel only

Discussion in 'Entropia Universe' started by Manny, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. strangelove

    strangelove Member

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    I agree and would have been surprised, very pleasantly surprised, if we would have had had a choice in the matter. It makes no sense to invest in a hanger if people can just TP.

    That said, I FORKING HATED the previous system to the point I simply avoided going to CND. I just stayed on Calypso, period. If CND loot was bad, I would get 15 ped back on 200. With the pilots, I was screwed....either give up amping, forget about playing that day, or wait sometimes 6 hours for a ride back to Calypso. The simple solution was to forget about CND which I did.

    Even though I have been parked on Ark since the release, at present I can mine and craft on Calypso but only mine on Ark since the component bps are useless ATM. With a smaller auction and few orders, it makes no sense to stay on Ark. The economy is simply bigger with more options on Calypso at this point.

    With the release of space, either:

    a) public transportation is 1000% better than the old system

    b) I buy a space ship and can use it

    c) I can actually mine, craft and treasure hunt to the point I just move to Ark permanently

    d) I just go back to Calypso because the economy is better.

    Jumping back and forth with bickering pilots and long wait times is simply not going to happen no matter how nice planet A, B or C is.
  2. Cyrus

    Cyrus Well-Known Member

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    Hi guys, I know there's been a bit of misunderstanding here and I'd like to make a clarification.

    Once space is released, teleportation between planets will be disabled.
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  3. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Hmmmm, some pics pop in my head if i think about space ;)

    AFAIK is most of space PvP......lootable or not is not important i think imagine a ship can carry 50 will need a while til it is full so the pilot have to wait coz he will cover his costs as good as he can......
    now the trip starts ...and booooom spacepirates kill them all and destroy the ship ;)
    back on Planet thing starts again ....searching for passengers waiting, starting....and boooom.....i m sure alot of "nice" people have alot of fun to kill/destroy the ships while travelling to another who wants to pay for a trip to nowhere? I pay for a trip to a planet not for PvP fun or whatever and i would pay only once.....
    the whole thing can end in a bad business.....

    btw...the whole space thing is for me like the Forts, only a fun thing (for some) and no chance to catch a bit loot :)
    perfect for MA ;) (ammo burn and decay for nothing )

    but i really hope i m wrong with this :) sadly to say mostly i m right if i think about MA :dark:
  4. Xaph

    Xaph Member

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    I love it , back to the good ol days with a twist of suspense 'pirates'.
    Would'nt it be fun if Pirates ( we can all be Pirates this way and tactics get really intense..) could intercept an loot a ship in team ?

    Say a ship is shot down but ava's are automatically ejected to floating in space then they have a choice to float and shoot to death or automatically return planet side. (closest destination)

    Each ship does not know what it's human cargo are nor skills are, so in shooting one down its a surprise package.

    Floating ava's have the capacity in team to shoot the assailing ship down. Assailing ship is locked in postion with a timer like a beacon.

    The assailing ship can attempt to shoot them but there much smaller targets.

    Floating ava's from shot down ship can attempt to board locked ship as members of locked ship can opt to float in space and defend.

    If the assailing ship manages to be dispensed with a weightless ship based team PVP really opens up as a conquest.

    Winning teams teleported to original choice of destination the victors + the winning team ship.

    Plenty of scope for change in the way it works but it would be fun:)

    Choose your pilot and crew carefully;)

    Adding a little dimension to game play here seems a great idea:)
  5. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    ...and what is with people which are not interested for PvP? For the people who wants ONLY to travel? :)
    For explorers, hunter and miner ...for friends which decide to make a soc hunt on another planet, for trader which try to make their business......? All this people want only in a short time from A to B without problems and without thinking about pirates or spaceworms or whatever :)
  6. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    Look now that's a strait answer instead of the gibberjabber we got from MA (as usual). This "you can choose to use the spaceship instead of the TP" let me to believe the TP's would still work. Anyway, might need to pick up some stuff then, still got an apartment on Calypso as well, think I will keep that though.
  7. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    Will be interesting to see how all this affects Arkadia and other planets economy.

    If You're a miner or a crafter, which planet You'll choose, once space opens and TP's won't reach to other planets anymore...

    I know, I'll be staying here on Arkadia :)

    -- Hyssch --
  8. Xaph

    Xaph Member

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    I'd like to see how inventive people can negotiate from A to B. Something that promotes capability, capacity comensurate with skill to navigate community standard and create more group/society involvement.

    Something I believe that has recently been lost with the proliferation of planets.
  9. Bluebard

    Bluebard Member

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    Yes, Milena. There are people in this game who do not enjoy PvP, myself included. However, now I am now going to be forced through a PvP area if I want to travel to another planet. Not sure I'm going to like this.

    PvP has always been a place you can go if you get the urge to do some PK'ing, as many people do now. But, it has never been a necessary obstacle to achieve goals.

    Only time will tell how this works out.
  10. Mayana

    Mayana Member

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    Thanks for the clarification finally :D..will all of space be lootable pvp or???...
  11. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Seriously doubt they can be so stupid, and if they are prepare for it to be changed to non-lootable within a week after all complaints
  12. strangelove

    strangelove Member

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    I've been on Ark since it spawned. I'll hang here until space is released. If space juices the economy here so I can craft nicely, I'll stay. If not, I'll clean out my storage and jump through the hoops to get back to Calypso since I can mine and craft profitably. I'll visit Ark again when Treasure Hunting is released. As all of space is PVP, I assume transports can be pk'd on transport runs. The old hanger/pilot system sucked and I got tired of being stranded on CND so I just camped on Calypso. I hope that's not the case with the new transport system.
  13. Calin

    Calin Member

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    Really sounds (with the amazing little information given by MA) like space is gonna be a flusterf**k.
  14. Chrome

    Chrome Active Member Pro Users

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    Awww, Jenny... comon now! Look again at what you wrote.

    What's the use of being a "Space Pirate" if you can't take loot from people?
    Lootable pvp will justify spending ped on ammo, weapons, and repair decay from battle damage...
    Otherwise it seems sort of... pointless.


    I hope I am incorrect, but I firmly believe that space will be lootable pvp.

    ARKANOID New Member

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    Me thinks Space will be a major trading post as a midway point between all planets :D
  16. strangelove

    strangelove Member

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    Look at PVP3 & 4 now. It's basically a few ppl with high end gear stalking hunters and miners hoping for an uber. As far as I know, it's a few dozen people at most. Even my soc, a PVP soc, has abandoned PVP for the most part. People don't run through lootable PVP as a short cut.

    If space is lootable PVP or even just PVP (as MA has stated), ppl will have to risk their stackables when traveling, keep two sets of storage or cash out storage before traveling. Who's going to want spend a few weeks cashing out storage so they can try their luck on another planet, no matter how cool it is.

    If interplanetary trade is to be encouraged, there has to be an incentive. A few percentage points in MU is not going to offset the risks. I just hope this has been thought through better than the old hanger/pilot system. That just encouraged players, me included, to pick a planet and stay there for the most part. Travel needs to be quick and cheap for people to move around. Presently, people can place an order on auction for a mineral that's not found on another planet, login after a bit and then be on another planet in a few minutes. That won't be the case when the new "no tp" plan is implemented.

    With interplanetary tps gone, what's the incentive to travel?
  17. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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    So far it looks like MA is trying to separate planets and discourage people to travel between them.. maybe that's the idea?

    So as new planets won't pull the population from old ones?
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  18. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Like I said before....I brought all my stuff to Arkadia...The Arkadia team has impressed the hell outta me and I assume many othrs compared to the shit sandwhch we have been fed on Calypso for so long. I hope MA can stop their habbits for a few minutes and take a real look at what Arkadia can do for this entire game. What they been doing is just taking it further and further down the shitter. Here now seems to be a chance for at least some redemption but I am afraid they will piss this oppertunity down the same hole they sent everything else since Crytopia was born in VU 10.

    For me this is MA's last chance to keep me in game. I know many more with the same sentiment. But their track record shows their intentions. Simple travel between planets is only a MINOR part of a large roll that what they do with space and interplanetary travel will determine.
  19. strangelove

    strangelove Member

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    It could easily be an agreement between MA & the PPs. How much would you spend to create and market a planet if your players could easily just move to a competitor?
  20. Chrome

    Chrome Active Member Pro Users

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    See, that's the thing though...

    As business owners, Planet Partners don't want you to leave.

    There will be no incentive to travel.

    If you want to travel, you're going to have to PAY.