finding and repairing used vehicles left after battles

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by krm398, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    I want to see the chance to find and repair used vehicles, mostly military, left after the end of the last war. There will be small vehicles for personnel, like Jeeps( but not like jeeps), medium sized vehicles used for transporting materials like trucks, and some slightly larger vehicles like armored personnel carriers, that we could find smoking or sitting in swamps and looking badly beaten.Even small aircraft's, crashed or even better, enemy ships you force down during fights that might be repairable. Just recently I fought an Attacker 4 on EU and brought it down then walked over to see it, I swore if there was ANY way I'd love to have it, it was VTOL and damn good looking compared to what we're flying now.

    They won't be fixed easily, the parts may be needed from several other old vehicles to repair it, NO animals could drop them or should, ever. Maybe after attacking an enemy position, you'd find something you can use, or finding a abandoned storehouse that might have something in it, it becomes a treasure hunt, but with no real clues, just hard work and a lot of looking around.Hunting other ships and attacking them might even get you some parts you'll need, so suddenly using all that ammo is needed for something besides fun.

    one other thing to mention, vehicles are under heavy tork and use, if they drop below 50% they should start to show signs of wear, speed starts to drop,maneuvering gets sluggish, there's a reason that no one wants to be in an airplane that is barely holding together, lets show that. If it needs repairs you better do it, or getting where your going might become difficult.
  2. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    The only thing is that we aren't sure when the last war actually occurred. Maybe it was hundreds of years ago. In this case, there would be no chance of repair. I guess we have to wait to find out more information in the Frontline News.
  3. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    Actually, there is...the last installment of the story had small roving patrols of enemys attacking our patrols as they work. That means, either there's a new war starting with us in the center, or the enemy that attacked the planet before is still there, either way, my idea works.
  4. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Ok true, I guess if a new war started up than there would be some recently destroyed vehicles.

    However just because the enemy is there, doesn't mean the war hasn't been over for 100s of years. Maybe the Oratan destroyed the Knights centuries ago, and took up residence on their planet?

    Maybe the creatures attacking aren't even the Oratan. Maybe there won't even be a war. Hopefully the next installment in the series will clear things up for us :)

    Your suggestion would be neat though :). Maybe even if you could scavenge some of the parts for use in crafting other vehicles, or to upgrade other vehicles (something along the lines of the Technicals and Quad Cannons in C&C Generals).
  5. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    As an old mechanic myself let me assure you, if its not broken, physically, then a good mechanic will get it working. It might take a while and even some 'home-made' parts but it's really hard to destroy an engine that's intact, so what if the vehicles were a hundred years old, by their standards, to us they would still look super modern, and the technology of a new world might well be metals that don't rust ever, we have good metals now like stainless that would last for a long time, and to be honest our technology sucks compared to a civilization like Arkadia from a thousand years into our future. So ,no, old vehicles sitting around even long times might not be destroyed, just in need of repair/refurbishing.
  6. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Oo very true :)

    I think it would be awesome if you came across an old wreck sitting somewhere and could tow it back to your garage (if you owned one). You could acquire parts off of auction or collect ones that you find from old flamed out wrecks in the wilderness (the wrecks could work sort of like rocks/fruit spawns, except with more variety). With the parts that you collect, you could customize your vehicle into something unique! Each vehicle would have different bonuses depending on which customizations it had.

    For example:

    I find a salvageable vehicle on the road from a previous battle. I tow it to my garage, where it forms the basic "base" of my vehicle.
    I go to auction, and find some vehicle plating. I buy that to increase the armour protection on my vehicle. This plating would also change the look of my vehicle slightly.
    I walk around in the wilderness some more and find another vehicle in worse shape. However I salvage a turbocharger from it, and install that in my car (for increased acceleration and speed).


    You could gain skill in a new profession called Vehicle Mechanic or something; the higher levels you get, the better (and more) customizations you can put on your car.

    While on the topic for customizable vehicles, I would like to put decals on them as well (like in Need For Speed).

    Am I just dreaming here? I feel like I'm just dreaming ;)
  7. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    Yep, your dreaming, I'm working to get to play with old cars, and your ready to do Indy with flame
  8. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Some cool ideas here. (KRM, the planet is Arkadia with a K :) )

    This isn't something that can be put into the game quickly or easily, so it won't be there at launch, however I really like the ideas and I will explore it further. For me, adding decals to the vehicles would be really cool. It is something I want to implement in time.

    It's great to see posts where you guys are suggesting ideas and also including suggestions of 'how' you think they could be done. We always have the challenge of the game being an MMO so we need to find ways of things 'spawning' rather than just sitting somewhere.

    I can't give details yet, but we are working on something new to fit the Treasure Hunting theme.
  9. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Thanks for the post David. I figured it would be difficult to implement this; maybe I'll see it a few years down the road :)

    I do enjoy brainstorming ideas that I think would be cool and ways of putting them in game, and like how Arkadia Studios is actually listening to us!
  10. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    Dang and I saw other people spelling it wrong and went right ok, my bad.TY David for checking on my post, on EU there were always wrecks sitting around from the very beginning, and they were never used. Even now, the new vehicles have nothing to do with those old wrecks. It just seemed like a first step on a new world to reuse old things before major manufacturing of something that big would,or could, happen.
  11. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Take that opne step further...Missions have NPC's....NPC's already existed on Arkadia for X amount of years...Maybe a reward or two in the missions could be salvaged parts they have no use for.

    Maybe some of the missions could be to salvage parts for the NPC's and give an option to complete mission.. or keep sa;vaged part for yourself..Or maybe more then one part can be salvaged during the mission.
  12. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    I have one sentence for you,Bill...."underground parking garage" Or, underground storage facility for parts and equipment, there's a million ways we could find hidden areas, some from computer info the 'scientists' decode from old machines, and some just from exploring, maybe part of a building sticks up in the middle of nowhere, so you find a door, or broken window and you get a light (somewhere) and go in and explore, of course there would be snakes, scorpions, or something like that living there, and if you want some thing big out of there, you'd have to open a bigger hole,(explosives?") There's no limit to how things could be done.
  13. Erastothenes

    Erastothenes Member

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    krm389 - great ideas I think! Plays right into the treasure hunt concept does it not :)

    Could take the showing of decay further / with armor. Low TT value could look scratched and worn.
  14. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I kinda picture something along the lines of the movie resident Evil Extinction when they meet the Zombie birds then head off for Vegas to find supplies to be able to move on to safer places in Alaska. Mix that with the National Treasure movies and a little Tomb raider and Im all good. Maybe add a touch of "Push" elements for the MF part of EU.
  15. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    Ok, Bill, I have no idea what you just said, don't do movies a lot myself, but I accept that your agreeing with consider, what a small mom and pop store has laying around, now throw it all around in a 'total destruction' type way and make it 20 years old. There's a small sample. Of course other that some prepared foods, nothing in a little store like that would help you survive, no ammo,etc, that would be a different place to find.But places similar, where vehicles were stored, and where parts were stored (Napa store?) all these places would still exist, so the parts would also.
  16. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    You know, that's exactly what I was picturing as well :) Except with better scenery (jungles and such).

    Yeah, exactly like that :)