Picking Oil at the Rig - and yes its PvP

Discussion in 'PvP' started by Louise Ranavolana Brooks, Feb 3, 2018.

  1. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    The Rig is PvP but what am I missing here?

    I can understand it in space and also in the red areas on planet - because as aggravating as Pkers are, there is always the possibility of loot to justify the cost of the ammunition. (and despite the warnings for various reasons people do take lootable items into space).
    Could be a bit nasty on planet though where some player hunting & mining is shadowed & killed by some bushwacker if they see him strike it lucky with loot or mine

    I can understand it in those landgrab events on Calypso - they are probably the fairest examples of PvP, teams of players skilled in that sort of activity up against each other with a prize going to the winning team.

    I can even understand it in the situations where the sweating was on the OLA in Calypso when a player goes AFK in a sweat circle & stuffs things up for everybody else. The player shot mostly does not take it personally.

    But PvP at the Ark rig - I have been continually targeted by some individuals I have never met before - so it cannot be personal, surely.

    So what is the benefit? I look at the weapons used to kill me and the ammo that is burnt up - what ever could justify that cost - and its not like I give up - I keep returning and getting shot again & again.

    Its not as if it worries me, most of the time I am at the rig for the conversation, any oil I may find is just a perk - I will never get rich from it, and when I need to leave, I ask other players there for a quick "taxi ride" out, in the belief a human sacrifice helps the oil to flow a bit quicker.

    So these players with ammo to burn - MA must love you recycling peds the way you do.

    What is the benefit? You wont get any globals or even loot from me. Any oil found by you is chump change.
    You cannot even say its for the rush of PvP with another player - I get bushwacked at extreme range. Are you that scared? I don't have the weapons or in fact any armour, you could walk right up 2 me & probably kill me if you dared.
    I am making an assumption - that those players have bought their guns, their armour, their skills even. Actual earned ability comes way down the list.

    And if there are no sensible logical reasons to target other players, maybe that just leaves nasty petty reasons.
    So I hope your egos feel better and that you have proved something to yourselves :) Something to offset the cost of that ammo wasted - the loot, maybe even Globals and HOFs forgone if you used the ammo on mobs that could repay something tangible & worthwhile.

    And Hitman, I apologise for calling you a wanker - it was a bit childish, I should have just said "Aaaargh" and made you feel a bit better :)

    Hey maybe there is a contract or a fatwa taken out on me? Woulden't that be fun :)
    • Funny Funny x 4
  2. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    it's called boredom I believe...
  3. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    Perhaps they feel they are "Enforcing Justice" lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    I was realy afk skilling my pet oratan when i just came to pc i saw you calling me 'are you part of the shit that going on at rig' that sentance i didnt like at all.i didnt mind that and was going to kill the one who was killing you.when i got to rig i found out who and why you were shot.id say justice was served there.ppl with big mouths dnt stand tall there for long and mostly lie on the ground.rig is not a place to leach over and it wasnt like this two years ago.ppl shoot each other for fun.i do it all the time but not for personal matters.im bloody noob and i dnt know why no one shoots back at rig anymore.instead they whine and call names its kinda hilarious to me.talk bad and kill a friend well ill do same to you its simple as that.keep in mind i dnt keep grudges its only pvp.keep comming back when killed is like being a coward.at least shoot with a puny gun like heidi did when we had our fun i can laugh with you.dnt like dying then stay out of pvp.:banana:
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  5. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Bit of a spin you are putting out there Hitman, you were going to race off and serve "justice" on your friend ala then? all because I said so?

    Actually I would be interested in knowing the reason given as to why I was shot. And while you are at it, why you shot me that time a couple of days earlier - in the back yet.
    I may well have a big mouth but I kept it closed there and had given no reason to be shot down.
    Not that I needed to give any, as you said you are a noob (with more money than sense) who does it for fun.

    So maybe a bit more honesty and a bit less hypocrisy.

    And obviously people are still shooting others for fun - they are picking their targets of course. Nasty people could shoot back.
    I don't keep grudges either - but I will be keeping a tally of the ammo you burn up.

    And yes its PvP its a given

    And hey - I just read through to the end of your spiel - are you saying that I killed one of your friends? Did I read that right, because I have not killed anyone at the rig, ever. (Unless you are friends with random orotans)
  6. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    Lol no i shot you becouse you thought Im part of something for you being killed.i have stated un my 1st reply.im away from game till friday so you can chill.ill log and then you can kill me with a puny gun.just have a laugh at rig its pvp.dnt complain
  7. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Thanks for the offer, but no thanks :) You don't need to do me any favours as I generally don't like killing people - but for some I can make an exception, just to demonstrate that I can if necessary.
    I do have a big gun so if/when the opportunity comes up & I am in the mood I will test it out on you. Then we can have a laugh together.

    Till then peace. (which is what I have ALWAYS maintained - so lets give talk about my big mouth, and killing others and leaching (whatever that is supposed to be) a rest.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    He always stands on that stupid rock, he's easy to pick off, just get a good sight on that gun lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    I have never been shot at the ark rig. I haven't seen any pvp going on there ever.
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  10. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Just as a matter of interest, what level are you Spawn?
    Checking on website odyeusunbound.eu The Ministry is a Soc.it would not pay to tangle with.
    Maybe that could explain why you have never been shot at
  11. Hans

    Hans Member

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    Could also be merely lucky timing.
    I have also never been shot at by players at the oil rig either, and I am definitely a soft target for most players.
  12. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    I have 302k skills. but my highest level is only 65
  13. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    Pvp is fun if you have the love for it now that no select target cheat is not there.some say there are other cheats that you can use in pvp but hey im just one guy with a average gun thats all.lol.There used to be a event on calypso called slaughterfest which most low and mid players participate in a two team fortress pvp battle for two hours.i suggest participate when you see it on
    Its cheap to play and lots of fun.most of all thats the only place i can kill my friends.:)
  14. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Yeah as you say.

    I was watching a UTube Video which showed a couple of players in an armoured vehicle who decided to shut down the Ark rig.
    They were having fun running down & shooting everyone up - there were some good players there who kicked back & it did make an entertaining video & there was no malice, nor it seems shortage of peds for ammo.

    One issue is that some players just like to drag everyone into being extras into their own private adventure, whether those players want to be or not.
    The first time I came across you I noticed you hiding behind a plant in armour with a gun - I thought shii... next thing I was shot.
    I proved my "cowardice" (wherever you got that from) by coming back to be shot again.

    I asked about who is this "Hitman"? - I found out you are well known but held in contempt. Well I guess you have done that all to yourself.
    On the plus side it seems you do it to everybody (or to those you consider you have a chance with). And the Rig is PvP so everyone has accepted the risk of going there. I see evidence of dickheadedness but not really malice.

    The other issue was malice - that other player with a F av, your friend & I have forgotten the name. I have never met her before but she made a point of shooting me only.


    Why don't you & your friends all get together & shoot each other up having lots of fun - leave others alone (admit it thou, yo do like to aggravate others & "im bloody noob and i dnt know why no one shoots back at rig anymore.instead they whine and call names its kinda hilarious to me" - that is the real motivation for you I guess)
  15. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    kid stop complaining come shoot me for crying out loud.i die alot on pvp area and i kill when i want to so shut ur pie hole now. learn to talk to ppl 1st or i can make u learn instead.end of story.cry as much as you like here in forum.god are u related to Lovefall ? (cant remember the new avatar name of that novel writter.lol.new kids dnt knw me cos i was on caly for a year but im back now for a long time.ill teach u some manners while im here.
  16. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I have zero interest in all these antics but taking note of them invariably influences my eventual choice of trading partners.
  17. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    I'd have to say in hitmans defence that although he is a bit obsessed with PK'ing he is a good person to do a deal with and he even sold my oratan axe pet for me for a commission because he had a connection. All above board and trustworthy.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  18. Medb Lefty Lucy

    Medb Lefty Lucy New Member

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    Some people keep coming back because they want to keep dying (boredom), other people keep coming back because they want to try for a little oil after a particularly bad hunt (also boredom), some people keep coming back to socialize (boredom again). All in all highly compatible with people who come to kill (boredom), but sorting out who is there for what can create some frayed manners to say the least.

    My suggestion is to cultivate a sense of where the other player is at in relation to the scene and apply good sportsmanship. I know my own past experiences of being camped for hours on end by one player were not a positive aspect of the game. That I will not be trading with them nor their pals is a moot point because they run off CLDs, but the lesson re: sportsmanship is learned nonetheless.

    I really must pick up some oratan armor.
  19. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    Arkadia oil rig used to be very entertaining for most players back in the day and now its only alts running around 24/7.when ever i visit ark i always go to rig 1st and see if my old friends are there.For me i dnt pick there at all and give what i find to noobs.

    I do shoot ppl for fun/spree and most ppl dnt even know what spree is since they dnt even shoot anyone.lol.if ark devs make the drop rate higher like in ashi rig then the planet will hv more income from pvprs since ashi is always at war.ppl show off their bad ass gear and kill everyone in their path.i mostly met great old timers from pvp.

    Talking of pvp its mostly dead in entropia and only handful of ppl still fight the land grabs in calypso.its about time ark got something like land grabs with a new system.I remember an old player tried to bring back the pvp fight in arkadia in one of those arenas in celeste harbour area and its the developers who should make this happen.

    As far as iv seen and with all those broken promises i dnt think we will hv any development in arkadia for long long time since they are all in the moon now.

    I hope NED will bring us smugglers some good pvp weapons and gear since he the only one with those toys so far.NED hear our call
  20. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Orotans have armour Lefty o_O
    I have only seen them wear rags that they don't bother washing.
    Unless maybe its those that ride around on those dinosaurs (they hang around in places I never visit anyway)