RSS Feed Statement regarding Arkadia Land Plot prizes in the "Gold Rush 2017" event

Discussion in 'Entropia Release Notes' started by ArkadiaBot, May 7, 2018.

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  1. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Once upon a time I used to think Arkadian's were a nicer population than those of a certain larger more populated place. That they showed each other more respect and were adult enough to hold reasoned arguments. To understand it is possible to discuss or even rant without resorting to rudeness, profanity or vulgarity. That people who try to help were appreciated for the effort, even if the information they provided was not perhaps well put, or what you expected. Sadly the degeneration to mud-slinging and jealousy seems to have arrived. Can we all please stop, think and maybe step back, let's not ruin what made Arkadia special to us.. the community.
    As for the Ark Devs I agree a little more communication on a regular basis would be nice, but their primary job is to develop the planet and in the current situation also the moon. I am sure that between their day to day work in the office, sometimes travel around the globe, (not all meetings can or should be done on-line) plus other projects they may be involved in and oh yeh real life, that they chat to us when they can. They are a small team and are therefore to some extent dependant on others (Ark advisors) to help.
    Please note Arkadian advisors are Players, not Employees. They have no advantage over the rest of us mere mortals except they chat together to share game knowledge in order to help other players. They were not 'chosen' but volunteered as the rest of us could have. So again I ask that while we may or may not always like the message or the delivery style, can we please look beyond that and appreciate that they at least offered their time to help others.
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  2. DannyO

    DannyO Member

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    I love Ark, its great for a grinder like myself............ but my confidence is shot!

    I pay my money so i am entitled to my opinion......

    So if i have an issue in the future, who the hell is gonna sort it out, and how long will it take?

    We all accept that fact that the companies Ark/MA hide behind the terms and conditions, and blame one another........... but should we accept it, when we are playing with money?

    I don't think we should accept this level of service......

    Are they global companies or Micky Mouse organisations...... i let you decide?
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  3. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    this is offtopic but no one moderates forum anyway so i will answer too

    If u refer to me being rude toward one certain adviser, then sorry but not sorry. Guy is a douche, he only is here to start the fight, he is not providing any information or offers any help. Instead he picks on those who are actually trying to be heard. And the worst - he is lying and trying to twist the facts or information that has been provided and may not be to his liking. Such people should not have adviser name to their forum account, as such snakes will only bite those who are looking for help. Especially sad for the newer players.
    There are a couple of advisers that have actually tried to help, and tried it big time. They have direct comm link to Dave and Dylan and have asked them to actually come to forum and make a public post, to no avail thou! So no not all of them are bad, but also not all of them are good.

    I dont consider myself a part of arkadia community. I used to, i was very into "smuggler" content, i did lots of testing and was prolly the first in couple of the smuggler instances. I have spent a lot of time and have turned over a lot of peds on arkadia. Design of the planet still fascinates me and i think they do a good job, but not communicating and when they do communicate every now and then they lie - that is not how anyone should be treated. We are their customers and we have our expectations and whne we are told things we expect them to come to fruiton at the time and date they have promised. Surely sometimes things dont go as planned but that is why u dont stay quiet about it. Come clean and community will understand. Lie and expect this....
  4. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    I suspect the moon deed payout is their response... Maybe not the response you were expecting, but it is something.
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  5. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    :facepalm3: just read what i wrote again please!
  6. McCormick

    McCormick Active Member

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  7. DannyO

    DannyO Member

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    What is really the point......

    Of course i am probably bias, as i was the winner of a Land Plot in November 2016...... but does anyone of power at Arkadia read this forum? .......probably not, otherwise we would have received some form of official reply long before now!

    Does posting on here get swift resolutions or resolve pending issues...... No!

    Do i feel like i have been mislead and conned......Yes!

    Land Plot in September and Moon Deeds for another item that is not in existence yet, just beggars belief!!
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  8. Caffe

    Caffe New Member

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    thx for the compensation!
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  9. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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  10. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Slow down a bit. And as many have stated you need to slow down and read it again:

  11. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    I have received 40 Moon Deeds, they appeared in my storage on Arkadia (without a massage so you would have to check self). I would not have noticed this if LoveMe LongTime had not pointed it out to me.
  12. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    And you should maybe read the rest of the thread before making douchey comments!!
  13. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    I received deeds in my inventory on calypso. Cant trade them, so what is the point again?
  14. Sionkiewicz

    Sionkiewicz Member

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    So you have something you can bitch about obviously..
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  15. DannyO

    DannyO Member

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    Please explain what your point is...........

    Where you a winner of a Land Plot, have you been waiting since 2016?

    If you were not a winner, why are you even getting involved?

    You think that's ok to give compensation in the form of moon deeds that might have a value in 2019 for something that was won in 2016?
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Last edited: May 9, 2018
  16. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Guys please note that the Ark Dev team do watch this forum. Always remember what ever Ark Studios do has a rate limiting step...the platform. They are just as frustrated as you when things do not work out and behind the scenes work extremely hard to work through the coding issues.
    Planet Arkadia stands as one of the best planets in EU with a dedicated team, who will make an effort to fix things unlike other Dev teams. Those 40 moon deeds are a gesture of good faith, good business practice. Accept them with grace and humility. A statement of appreciation for your patience for the pending land plots. The Ark team will get it sorted, but need to work though the platform issues with MA. So keep it civil.

    Further to comments, we are not going to moderate and cotton pad discussions in the forum as long as the rules are observed and things stay civil. Let steam off by all means, but always remember Dave is your biggest advocate and is the most passionate and honest CEO of Planet Arkadia.

    I am closing this thread as there is no further discussion needed.
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