Land Plots - Planet Arkadia

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia News' started by Dylan | Arkadia, May 5, 2017.

  1. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    About Arkadia Studios compensating players for these land plots, it's their choice, but I can see reasons both for and against it. In any case, public raging at Ark devs is ALWAYS counterproductive. Even if they had they been planning to compensate if these land plots were not delivered by a certain date, I think the disparaging comments here by event winners would have taken that option off the table. That's my personal opinion, having observed since day one the way the Ark team operates, and the way they view flaming on this forum.

    If you need to vent, at least target the correct party. The Arkadia team has nothing to do with implementing the land plots. Arkadia officials communicated to us the most recent information they had, and when something changes I'm sure they'll update us. You need to be bugging Mindark about the land plots, and asking them why this is lower priority than adding new features on Caly and other planets. Send in new support cases about your lack of plots, if the old cases have been abandoned. They only pay attention to new cases. And I doubt anybody from MA has ever, or will ever, read this thread. Other than that, try to get some perspective... taming, shops, the egg, privateers, expensive textures bugged, SO many others in Entropia have waited many times longer than this for their promised items, and IF they eventually get compensated, the compensation isn't likely to be what you hoped. I've learned to believe MA's promised features only when I see them in game, not before. It's an unfortunate part of MA's culture, but it is what it is.
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  2. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    it's all mindark's fault, simple as that. and you should all know that already... :facepalm3:
  3. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Another brainwashed stupid ark adviser!

    Bump for resolution!
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  4. morfoc

    morfoc New User

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    when you create an event with a price you must be able to put it in place, you say a lot of nonsense. we are not on a mmorpg with monthly subscription we spend real money so the least things are given for what we paid. if I organize a lottery with a car won I will not tell the winner expects she must go to the garage 1 or 2 years before you livery it.
    it is the choice of the studio ark to put a land plot prize , to them of found a solution.
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  5. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    soko i don't think anyone of us advisers has been 'brainwashed' only because we were in contact with the ark devs.

    and also, we all know how embarrassing this whole situation is, so please leave the stupidity where it belongs to, calling names doesn't help anyone at all. thank you!

    in my humble opinion noone can do any shit in this universe, where mindark (and mindark only) has the full authority, and also, in the very end, full final responsibility for everything that happens in their game. sure, partners are nice, but who runs the business? the partners?

    let me remind you that mindark are usually the ones developing our beloved VU fuckups, downgrading functionality over time, and breaking random things inbetween at free will (oratan event anyone?), while not delivering the stuff they promised for fucking years!

    c'mon, do you really think anyone in ark team is happy with current situation, and the damage done to planet development and their credibility? because i don't think so at all...

    there's exactly one thing you can do - give mindark and david some more time to sort it out. yes, i know it sucks, we can say soon we're waiting years for this issue to finally sort out.

    but still, i really hope they do sort it out quickly, and when i wrote last year that i expected a solution to come before 31st december, i was the stupid one and the fool ... and i promise i had lots of inconvenient feelings and thoughts following, even tho i'm not affected by any of mindark's current issues. i just feel bad for those who are, stupid me!

    please chill & have a nice time, because thats the only thing worth it in the end. and if you want me to point the new mindark CEO to this thread, i'll gladly do so. i would even go on strike until this issue is sorted, because


    over & out
  6. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Lol, i thought better of you!
    That and the fact ur contradicting yourself in your post. Yes i hte it too, but giving time to david to sort this? Well, tell you what... i havnt heard from david in over two years. How likely is it to change?
    And sorry i lashed out earlier on that other ark adviser but his post was just unbelievably biased. I have not seen such ignorance (or indeed stupidity) in quite a while, then again i dont read forums much either.

    One last thing, about whose business it is - its Arkadia business. They are the ones that have not communicated or assured of anything. As far as i know they dont care of players or their planet. Only thing on mind is to grab more money with new deeds.
    Even their new crypto token is failing hard.
    If ark has issues with MA its their problem. I shouldnt be paying for that! My issue is with Ark. Not MA, not dumb advisers, not other players, just ARKADIA developers.

    Have a wonderful day all
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  7. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Oh and btw its 18months since last GR started! Hows that for giving some time to resolve land plots uh?
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  8. Caffe

    Caffe New Member

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  9. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Another patch another NOTHING from Arkadia.

    Bump for nothing
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  10. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    BUMP for tomorrows patch! Is there a point to have a hope?
  11. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    hope dies last :angel:
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  12. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    How many support cases have you opened about this issue? What has been MA's response? Please share.
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  13. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Plenty, scroll back and read if u wanna know the history. They have even apologised in behalf of arkadia. Unfortunately that hasnt sparked any more comms from arkadia. And none of ark team has answered my messages.

    Another patch went by today and still nada.
    Just abondon the idea of the stupid plots that u cant deliver and award players with something already in the game!
    Lets just be done with this!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Can you paste in 1
    I searched through this entire thread and you made a number of claims but never gave substantive details showing that you sent a relevant support case. The sparse details you did give lead me to believe that you may have asked the wrong questions. You also show a lack of understanding about MA's support system, even though several here have tried to enlighten you. You have to ask the right questions if you want the right answers. The latest information we had, now many months old, is that Ark can't do anything more on this issue and implementation is entirely in the hands of the MA devs. If you have submitted recent, proper support tickets, I'd really like to hear what MA says is holding back the landplots. Please share.
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  15. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Ignorance is a bliss right?
    Why are you even here? If you dont want help and just want to fight with me or players who are requesting simple communication from actual people who held the event 18 months ago. How hard it is for u to understand the wrong in here and stop referring to MA’s inability to implement when Arkadia is the one who should come clean and tell us what the f is going on. And lies dont cut it anymore. Last few times a-team posted they promised - “next patch”, “waiting on MA” etc. Thats all bulshit or as you say vague. So whose problem is it? Me for not asking right questions? Arkadia studios for not providing right information or for misleading?

    If you are not here to help resolve this as an arkadia advisor then please just go fuck yourself and dont point to me that i am not doing what i should be to remind developers what they owe us!

    Have a good life
    • Agree Agree x 4
  16. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Again, I recommend you spend some time in the support center on your support cases... maybe start by spending as much time talking to MA as you spend insulting people here. As a player, you likely have more influence with MA than the Ark team does regarding this issue. Also, a free life tip: don't insult the people you want help from, it tends to make them less willing to help you out. That includes support tickets, be polite and you're more likely to get a favorable response.
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  17. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Ok so I have stayed relatively quiet through this (and yes I too am one of the Landplot winners), I understand that you, Neil is an Adviser, I though read the above not as advising at all. you recommend that we "spend some time in the support center on your support cases". I recommend that you just advise AND that MA and Ark support their customers !

    Bottom Line Up Front:

    We entered a competition under the understanding that we could win a prize, we did win and no prize was delivered, when support cases were raised to MA many were informed that the issue is with Ark Team, and Ark team says it is with MA, now we can accept that and do not get me wrong most of us are Huge supporters of Ark, still. All that Sokolade, and many other who won want, is an update from A-Team, what we do NOT want is you getting on our backs, by provoking and escalating the issue.

    You could have perhaps engaged with A-Team, and just posted an update, and we would have been grateful for that, you chose another avenue.

    Sokolade does post a lot here, but it is nesesary and there are many who support Sokolade raising and bumping this because the issue has to stay live, and we do not all have time to do what is required. I for one appreciate Sokolade bumping this, because then I do not have to.

    PS: does anyone have any idea when the Arkadia shopfloors are getting fixed ? I think that has been pending even longer than the landplots ?

    Keep in mind that the majority of people on this forum LOVES Arkadia, but some of just don't like it right now.
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  18. Dab

    Dab Member

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    No reason to contact support. Mindark didn't promise Arkadia's cutomers anything. Arkadia did.

    You win a drawing at a store which promises a Maytag washing machine as the prize, and after winning, the store says they can't give it to you because Maytag hasn't sent it to them yet.

    If the store doesn't give you your prize or equal compensation in a reasonable amount of time, you don't call Maytag to complain, you contact your attorney.

    These people have already dealt with Planet Arkadia Pte Ltd. in the past. Maybe the winners should contact them as a group and see if they can do anything for you. It's the cost of a phone call to find out.

    Baker & McKenzie.Wong & Leow
    8 Marina Boulevard #05-01
    Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 1
    Singapore 018981
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  19. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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  20. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    This got me thinking, since EU as a virtual world has land owners, bankers, loan brokers etc, even a "virtual president" (debatable) perhaps it is time for EU to have an attorney that takes payment in PED ?
    • Funny Funny x 1