Pirates Target Repair Skillers in Denial of Service Attack

Discussion in 'PvP' started by happy_hipster, Nov 7, 2017.

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  1. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    I am pleased to announce that the Varyag has earned its place in infamy after a failed attempt to prevent repair skilling. The V and its crew were pursued around the Entropia Universe at TURTLE SPEED from training ground to training ground, killing any mob that could provide the vital damage so necessary to skill while repairing. Drama included.

    IT WAS AWESOME(from my seat)

    To the repairers, it sucked. Yoshi was like a general at the helm, I bet she has been through this a few times. It was all new to me. I didn't know players could be so malicious. Imagine paying a player to grief another player. Imagine having that much ped to waste.

    They gave up, and we found DROPSHIPS. They are a space mob that loots. GOOD. Take you on a guided hunt if you like. Glad I had this chance to find them on the pirates dime!


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    Last edited: Nov 7, 2017
  2. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    I am glad you enjoyed your time out, and the "DoS" was not really a "DoS" as at any time you could have stoped us, If you don't like what someone is doing to you in PVP you have a choice... put up or Kill :)
    I Guess you went for the former not the latter.

    We found it a great team building exercise as I am sure you guys aboard did too, loot was fair and at one stage we would have had about 400PED TT in loot sitting right next to your guns ready for the taking.

    Anyhow take it easy and see you out there :)
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  3. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Such a disingenuous post above.

    Repairing a MS can be a boring job, the only reason players do it is to gain skills that may well be difficult to gain otherwise.
    Some MS owners charge players for the privilege.
    There is not much to do while repairing, so players tend to chat amongst each other & monitor chats on different channels.

    Yesterday I was repairing away & was listening to RedRose and others on space travel chat (You really need to watch what you say Redrose, loose lips sink ships, you did such a service to Posthistory & indeed your pirate Guild)
    The discussion was about how NBK was bankrolling the Denial of Service attack on Varyag - the cost of all that ammo fired on mobs that Varyag hoped to skill on (good for you lot that you got 400ped loot, did you have to repay anything - or was it all profit).

    So when people say Varyag, what it boils down to were ordinary players - generally low level who were waiting to gain some skills to get to their goals, waiting around;reading the mocking posts by various pirates; an attack that was carried out over several hours.

    Now while some players are lucky enough to live online, others have jobs, family, need to eat & sleep - so that attack was not only against ordinary players improving their position, it was a prolonged attack against players getting any enjoyment out of the game.

    Sure players could open fire on the pirates, try to shoot them - gosh, if I was there I would have had 54 shots to play with, no guarantee I could kill any, or that I would be able to loot them. That ammo was to last me till when I next deposit - I weigh & measure every shot, I am not rich.

    Happy Hipsters post was him making the best of a bad situation, in fact any "enjoyment" in the situation would have been by him - he at least could see what was going on, react & try to achieve something. Not that much enjoyment really, and in truth what enjoyment to the pirates?
    Several hours of boredom I think - the only motivation I can see is malice.

    Sure we will take it easy - a team building exercise certainly, but I reckon your intention was to break the spirit of Varyag players, cause Yoshii anguish. But yes, what does not kill us, makes us stronger. I just cannot understand your motivation :(

    See you out there
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  4. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    If you haven't worked out yet that pirates and in particular RedRose talk twaddle in order to stir things up then I would suggest you are unbelievably naïve. The NBK has not, does not, and will not pay others to grief anyone. If we have issues then as a soc we are more than capable of dealing with it ourselves. Furthermore we do not deal with pirates in anyway.
    We have said this many times.

    Yours is indeed a disingenuous post
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  5. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Granny I apologise, NBK Natural Born Killers, NVE Nebula Virus Elite.

    I got guilds mixed up. stemmed from a post by Sionkiewicz ( a member of your guild I presume)
    I assumed from his post that he was a member of the pirate guild. I assumed I had got initials wrong.

    Actually what he was handing out was a gratuitous insult = so maybe that does make me naive for taking his post at face value. And just maybe it says a bit about your guild members behaviour as well.
    The pirates were talking between themselves, why would they talk twaddle to themselves? (cancel that, maybe I was being a bit naïve to expect sense from them)

    I googled a meaning for disingenuous to help you :)
    Disingenuous definition, lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; falsely or hypocritically ingenuous; insincere: Her excuse was rather disingenuous"

    There was nothing lacking in frankness, candor or sincerity in my post Granny. I confused two guilds, by an honest mistake
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  6. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    At risk of further derailing this thread I think I should clarify.
    1. You claim you are being frank and honest and that you mixed up NVE (Nebula Virus Elite) who are pirates, with NBK (Natural Born KIllers) who are a strongly anti-pirate society. Please note you did that in another thread not this one, so that answer is not really relevant here.
    2. http://arkadiaforum.com/threads/read-sleep-on-it-then-respond.14370/page-4 As for the reply posted there by Sionkiewicz one of our Generals (not just an ordinary member), again that post is not in this thread and therefore your reply just serves to obfuscate (Definition : to make something less clear and harder to understand, especially intentionally).
    He was also writing primarily in defence of our society, to make clear that you had nothing to do with us as a spy or otherwise. He was thus exonerating you as well as defending us. Your gratuitous insults are therefore not necessary or appropriate.

    I would suggest that everyone should take more care in future to reply to posts calmly, take time to ensure you have read and fully understood the post and it's intent. To stay on-topic and reply only to content in the thread you are posting in, unless you also cross-reference with links.
    This forum has always been a home to reasoned argument and well informed discussion. It would be nice to keep it that way, and avoid the name calling and hasty responses which have become all too common in some forums.
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  7. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Enjoy those things you have no power to change. Shooting down pirates is a waste of ped. Even as they loot, they have none. This is a riddle of sorts, but had we shot down the privateer interfering with our gameplay, we would have gotten nothing. The best course of action was to inflict boredom damage on them. At that we succeeded!

    As a sidenote, I take Granny's advice more now in posting after I have had time to soak in the juices of a topic. Sleep on it is a good suggestion.

    Thank you all for your responses, look forward to seeing you ingame,

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  8. Sionkiewicz

    Sionkiewicz Member

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    I'm not sure how my statement was construed as an insult, never mind a gratuitous insult. I simply stated facts.

    You have never been a member of NBK. - Fact
    You will never be a member of NBK. - Fact
    You have never been a friend to the NBK or offered us any information. - Fact

    Please explain your statement.

    Edit: BTW, I looked back at that post and you had agreed with it. Leaves me wondering what exactly you are talking about. :confused:
    • Agree Agree x 2
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2017
  9. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Back on topic of OP, this is clearly griefing. From memory, think there is a bit in their about interfering with other players game play experience. So perhaps worth reporting, if there is some evidence to back up the complaint.
  10. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Granny what you have raised is valid and I stand corrected. But you have certainly derailed this thread.
    Maybe you should have responded in a new thread. In fact you should have taken your own advice and understood the intent of my post.

    Despite my sloppiness on a point - which everyone but myself probably realised, this thread was about the actions of players from the Guild Nebula Virus Elite and their systematic efforts to spoil the game experience of ordinary players.
  11. Sionkiewicz

    Sionkiewicz Member

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    I'm sorry, but experience has taught me that when someone incorrectly states things as facts, they need to be corrected as soon as possible. Those incorrect statements is what really derailed this thread and I can only hope that you will be more careful in the future before making statements such as those.

    We (NBK) accept your apology and look forward to you correcting your posts so as to not cause any further harm to the NBK Name.
  12. Yoshii

    Yoshii Member

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    Be careful about climbing on a high horse and acting all superior. Remember players have chat logs to pull you back down to earth. Anyone can say anything about what heroes they are and how high principled they are. Talk is cheap. Do not be saying how strongly anti pirate you are when some of your crew loot civilian passengers.

    Someone made an honest mistake. Not necessary to turn into a bully and try to make them feel bad about it.
  13. Sionkiewicz

    Sionkiewicz Member

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    Well, I've gone from insulting people with facts to just being a bully.. interesting..

    I think I'm done with this thread.
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  14. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    You poor thing, I think you have been targeted by our own game version of the "Antifa" movement.
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  15. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Well I agree with you Sionkiewicz, and I applaud the stance you take.
    If someone makes an incorrect statement of fact, then it is the duty of others to correct them.
    And if that someone was me, well I am quite prepared to accept & apologise for the error, unpleasant though it may be for me personally, because there is no place here for error, just calm and reasoned consideration of the topic and intent.

    As you are a senior member of Natural Born Killers, you being a General & all, I have no doubt that you would expect the same standards of members of your own Society and would rush to admonish and correct them if they ever posted statements or videos or whatever that were incorrect in fact or intent.

    And hey I don't consider you a bully - you certainly cant bully me nor make me feel bad about stuff. Yoshii's intent there was to gently remind you of the dangers of taking a hypocritical stance.
    Nor do I consider you or your society as Fascists - that's just a pirate talking twaddle as per usual.

    Just bringing the topic back to its original intent - this thread was about the behaviour of a bunch of pirates affecting the gameplay of others over an extended period. It was nothing to do with how the Natural Born Killers feel about stuff
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  16. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    FACT - Pirates in space are a mechanic of the game.
    FACT - PVP in space is real.
    FACT - Getting looted in space can happen.
    FACT - You are notified about the dangers before you enter space.
    FACT - Thread Closed due to derailing the original post. - START ANOTHER ONE-
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