Over and over I see people posting about wanting to see more pets on Arkadia. Less seen are ideas of what kind of pets people want to see. The Arkadia team may be a very busy team, but what if you can create a creative spark in their heads for a cool pet? We all know that the A-team read the forums every so often, so you never know what could happen! So, what kind of pet would you like to see on Arkadia? What would this pet do? (think buffs or tricks) Any idea's for the future? (think in-game pet battles if they finally introduce that in 2025 or something). For me, we had the red nusul christmas plushie once. As a Dutch person, an orange one would be cool (national color, google queensday/kingsday) not to mention it would be a fun/silly pet for halloween to have, also easy for the A-team to make as it's only a color change and could be used to make a rare nusul pet (like the different type of rabbits on Caly). The pet should not increase speed, because hopping is a slow way of moving around. Say, it could decrease crit hits taken - because it's fluffy orangeness would soothe the anger in the beasts you are hunting. Maybe a special trick would be cool, like a sitting emote. Where it jumps up slightly and falls flat on it's ass with feet pointed outwards. Could make it look fun/silly/cute. So, what is your idea?
My idea for Ark would be a customizable (possible color and texture change) Feran pet that would have a "low gravity" buff. Meaning you can jump higher, and also land safer when jumping from mountain peaks or buildings.
That is actually a nice idea, something no planet has ever thought about. Jumping higher would be very nice too to either get over steep ledges or hitting flying mobs you can't reach with a pistol. More like a moon gravity kinda thing.
aren't there plant mobs somewhere on this planet that don't move? Immoble 'garden' pets might be interesting... Feed me Seymour... maybe they could do area affects similar to what some chips do, but you'd have to stay in the area you spawned the pet. oops... wrong planet's forum, lol.
That doesn't take away the fact that the A-team could potentially take that and create a plant like creature to tame/hunt! The woods/jungles still got some space to have a new creature residing in it!
As I said in another post, the mob you get the pet from should be similar stats to the cyrene rhino puny. That is, high health and easily tamable so you can tame them with an adj boiga without having to wait for them to regen half a dozen times before you get a taming attempt. As for the pet, any of the available buffs that haven't been given to pets yet would be good.
what about an oratan lancer or a smuggler droid pet? :biggrin2: in case they aren't tameable, we can just shoot them!
I think an oratan lancer could be diffictult if you get one on top of a dino. Unless you go for the cute miniature version. A droid pet could work I guess as it is shown with the wolpetinger you could have a floating/flying pet. But that just made me think you could also go for a mini mech! (a mini mech would be cool too I believe).
Quiet... no pets are quiet in this game. Pets are here to annoy the hell out of those that play with sound on, or when you don't want to have anyone playing in a 1km range around you (looking at the gorilla owners).
So this got me thinking. New pets on Ark would be great, but instead of just another variety of pet, how about the Ark devs break some new ground like they are so great at and introduce pets you could saddle up and ride? This could be an unlock on some pets at a certain level and even have a HP buff if you are able to hunt while riding..just some thoughts as I picture myself rolling up to the Ark rig on top a giant Yuka stalker
This has been dreamed of already, but it prolly won't happen without a fundamental paradigm change at the headquarters. They even shrank all ancient strong pets to the utter dismay of every owner upon pk'ers complaining that their prey used them for creative defense. Or hunters as obstacles against mobs, but the pk fraction was the loudest. Yes, a change of heart there would be genuinely awesome. Avatar (the movie) style is how I would imagine it, incl. giving relevance to the telepath profession.
A rideable pet would be really cool (ground or flying). It is well known that most of the vehicles in game were pre-designed by outside sources, so the question would be if there is enough time to create such a thing, not to mention the size of the things - unless said mountable creatures can only be spawned to be used as vehicle and can only be trained that way. Personally I would like the pets to have more functions than a buffing companion. We all assume pet battles is going to be the next big pet update. Example: pets that help you fight in battle (probably way overpowered for this game) like the idea of a mini mech I mentioned a few posts ago. Or a Nusul that will pick up fruits as you run so you won't have to walk for it. Or a pet that you can station at a mining claim to dig it all up while you run off to find more claims. So, I would like to see more ideas, more theory's, what-not. My own imagination is limited compared to that of a collective of people brainstorming.
Except buffs, I've seen that some pets have the ability to "defend" us from some mobs that try to hit us. i.e. like when mass hunting small mobs with launchers and the mobs surround you, you don't get hit by some mobs if the pet is between you and some of them mobs. From that another type of buff could be developed - multiplying the pet - meaning that the pet will multiply in 5 pets or so, that can make a "pet shield" for a limited time. The "pet shield" could just cover 50% of the avatar from damage. Would like to see this in pandi pups, staying on their "feet" and holding "hands" when the owner avatar doesn't move. :biggrin2:
I got an idea! How about a special breed oratan, Oratan Miner Apprentice. Could be an event prize or a mission reward (wel needed for arkadia). Let say finish oratan miner challanges ridicilous numbers of times and then receive a one time chance to tame a Oratan Miner Apprentice. Its important to tame it yourself as that would give an edge to the adventure rather than just receive it in your inventory after speaking to a terminal in any of the bases. Pet would be smallish looking oratan, not as beefy as the miner pet but more nerdy looking thing. And best part - its passive buff. 3% reaload speed increase to yor mining tools (Both finders and drillers are affected). I think this is waht many many miners would love. To dig their claims out quicker. I am not a miner but i think that current pets are cool for hunting and running speed for mining maybe a little too but there is no dedicated mining pets, no dedicated mining rings. Only buffs we have are the gold rush edition mining tools. Once we are at it. Reload speed buff would also be awesome for crafters! Imagine you can spawn a pet next to you and it makes ur crafting machine craft 1 second quicker! All those explosives clicks u have been missing out simply because day is too short... Cheers /Soko
wonder if rideable pets would take in to account weight? Maybe create different animations for them based on how much your avatar is carrying around in inventory... little horsey is struggling to walk.