Arkadia back to Beta?!?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Grave Digger, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. Grave Digger

    Grave Digger New Member

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    This Thread goes to ALL LA owner Designer and Developer of this Planet.....

    In the Past Arkadia used to be a nice Planet for Hunting.
    Ubers,MidLvL and Noobgamer had lots of Fun. (I dont wanna talk about minig coz i do it just for fun and have no idea about it)

    Lot's of things has changed it seems.
    For me as a Hunter is Arkadia the worst Planet (beside NI/Ancient Greece).
    The only mob i could grind and fit for my taste are Scoria,Teladon and Yuka but the ridicolous ammount of creaturespecific tt junk makes me feel i can't stand to keep hunting them.
    This is meant for all mobs on Ark btw.

    LA owners: why to Hell LA Owners still thinking its funny to hunt 3 diffrent mobs on 1 LA??? I can say u are wrong!!! I can tell U what alot/most of us hunters want: 1 Mob in high density to get finaly a mission done
    As i visited the first Time DK island for example i was not able to hunt more than 15 minutes there, the 3 diffrent mobs with huge diffrence in Dmg and HP on this LA is just anoying.
    Sanctary Cove: biggest change i've seen .... The Density of the Mobs there (Huon for example) is very low, i can kill a mob and then have to move full Radarrange b4 i have the next mob in range, and the Maturity is so mixed up from young to Prowler (never seen a stalker), even if this LA is for High Maturity advertised.

    The Planet Arkadia is Huge, realy oversized, its a waste of capacity and the mobs are spread so far arround that it would be a waste of any kind of Pills u could use, even the loot pills lol
    The only good spawn i've seen on a non LA is big Yuka's, but that would mean u are forced to hunt them to finish a mission. If i hunt smaler ones wich are spread to far arround i dont have the Pedflow to make it even worth to start up my pc
    In the end Ark seems only a Minierfriendly Planet but not a friendly Planet for all kinds of Hunters.
    Maybe the owner,designer or developer heard to much on advice's of some players

    Instances: not worth to talk about much, just as it always was, a ripoff to pay a entryfee

    So what hunters of any lvl realy want: BANG BANG BANG Loot and not watching the Landscape while looking for next mob

    I dont want to piss off any fellow Arkadian's, i just dont want Developers and LA owners to make more steps backwards instead forwards.
    Maybe they should just visit Cyrene, there u see spawns that hunters want....
    1 mob 1 spot, all mobs spawn within radar, no mixed BS and anyways u dont get overrolled by the spawn

    Probably players hate me for this post but thats my opinion and i hope it can be a positive incentive for the developers and the owner of ark

    Im gonna leave ark again, i cant stand more than 1 day on ark, but will come back from time to time to steal your Hof's :O
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  2. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    One full day you spent? Wow.

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  3. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    What complete arrogance.. it doesn't work how you like it, so it must be wrong.

    If every planet was the same, and all loots were the same there would be no point in leaving your home planet at all. Each planet has planet specific Blueprints and therefore you can loot from mobs or mine for planet specific materials . This is an essential part of the various planets being able to develop their own economies, and to create a need for interplanetary trade.

    What you hate, others love, the variety of mobs within a single LA makes for some interest and variety, rather than just a mission grind. There are pure spawns of most if not all mobs on Arkadia as well as those on the LA's and EA's. We all therefore have a choice. Just what is wrong with that ? You claim to know what other hunters want. Where is this information from, your closest buddies in game, a poll I must have missed ? In my personal perhaps limited experience (small note of sarcasm) I find there is no one size fits all, every hunter not only has personal preferences on whether to grind a single mob, or to just enjoy hunting whatever they run into, but their mood and style may change hour by hour or day by day. There is no single correct way to play, if there was this would be a very different game from the one we have.

    As this is an LA mob density may vary according to when the land was last fertilised etc, you compare Arkadia to Calypso, well I can honestly say I have never run so far between mobs as I have on some Caly LA's. Oh and btw many of those have mixed spawns too.

    I am fast wondering if you are confusing Ark with another planet, it is far smaller and more compact than Caly, the whereabouts of the mobs and their maturities loots etc are well documented on this forum, for those who can be bothered to look. I
    t seems to me you ran around at random, with little if any planning and are then surprised things did not meet your expectations. Not every hunter wants to stand on one spot, presumably using next target and auto for shooting to grind out mobs for missions. For me at least that would be deadly boring. But the joy of this game, it's different LA's, different planets and different loots, is it can accommodate us all. Just find what suits your style and stick with it, or surprise yourself sometimes, go explore, and have a little fun along the way
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  4. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I admire people who have more patience than me. I wanted to say something, but was just speechless. That wasn't criticism, that was pure bs. Some people carry so big a chip on their shoulder, you want to just grab the popcorn and watch them crash and burn. You can only console yourself that in the end, everybody is good for something, even as a bad example.
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  5. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    I make granny's words my own... I think you need to spend a bit more time on the planet to realize its potential
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  6. The Jetman

    The Jetman Member

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    weird, but when I first came, the thing I recalled the most was the spawns set up for grinding, each natural spawn area had spawns that never mixed and a tp close by, unlike caly and RT.
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  7. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Folks should relax and appreciate it when players take the time and effort to provide well thought out feed back that isn't a whine-fest. Grave Digger is part of a particular demographic of the players and its good to get his perspective.

    Entirely expected that long time Arkadian residents would disagree with his views, else we wouldn't be here.

    I can definitely understand where he is coming from in relation to mob set up on LAs. Pure spawns are so much easier to set up for and hunt efficiently. However with a limited number of LAs and them being the only place you can hunt mutated mobs, there is pressure on owners to run mixed spawns so that related mob missions can be progressed. And of course some like to hunt mixed spawns.

    I haven't had time to hunt the Sanctuary LAs lately but it seems like the owner has gone very quiet. I do hope he is keeping up the maintenance. Kudos to the other LA owners who are actively promoting their estates.

    Loot quality issues rest with MA. Ark devs have gone to a lot of effort to set up bps to effectively use looted stackables (though the failure of tailoring leaves many animal parts and treasure with little demand and therefore low mu). But they don't get to control mob loots. So all the feedback in the world on that issue is probably going to have little impact.

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  8. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    The Huon Young area was sorted out just this morning by me. It is now locked at full density for both DNA's so that people wanting to hunt them for the IFN Challenge can do so with ease.

    For the record, there are NO mixed spawns on SC. Each mob is on a separate sub-LA and there are separate maturity spawns on separate sub-LA's as well.

    Yep, Hawk is flatout like a lizard atm, as am I, which is why it's taken me till now to get to grips with the Huon Spawn. Fertilizer is proving difficult to get on Ark again but all the LA's levels are fine (checked that too this morning).

    As for advertising, I rarely get into EU enough to restock SFE's shops, let alone spend more time flying back and forth from Caly to update the global ads....but they are there.
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  9. Grave Digger

    Grave Digger New Member

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    I did not wrote this post to piss someone off but i knew some ppl feel like that.
    I wanna excuse in case anyone feel personal attacked by me, what wasnt my intention.

    to clarify some things....
    i didnt wrote anything about mixed spawn at SC, i've just talked about the mixed maturity from young to prowler and the low density on the LA

    ofc on Caly also exist LA's with mixed spawns , but usualy owners put only one kind of DNA on this LA, other mobs are set up from MA and noone can remove them

    Further i've wrote that in the past the density of spawns were much better on the Planet and it was a place where Ubers, midlvl and noobgamer had fun to hunt.
    Ok maybe its still good to hunt on ark for newcommers or midlvl players, but what about the others (Ubers)? they have been forgotten?
    I can understand if some hunters like mixed spawn's on a LA but what i cant belive is that real hunters like to run 200 meters to hunt next mob and i dont talk about any LA , what u doing while u running? dreaming? drinking coffee? enjoy the Landscape wich looks like everywhere and seeing every day? or maybe playing on yourself?!?

    @Granny Rowan
    I am maybe new to this Forum, but i am not new to the game, i know where can find Maps or location for mobs, if not, i have a close friend on ark who is always willing to help.
    I am in this game to have fun, and most fun u can have in a RCE game is if u see swirlys arround u , if u are not looking for this swirlys u should not playing a RCE game , but all this isnt given with a low density of spawns if u run more than shoting.

    U should try to feel like i feel on ark.
    Just imagine u have 350HP, lots of evade, big gun, big fap, big ass armor and try to hunt on ark, u would be lost and feel like the past 13 years of skilling were just a waste.
    Pls dont tell me i should take off all of my gear and chip out if i am not happy,this is a ridicoulous slogan and that isnt what i've skilled last years for.

    Ofc the Owner of Ark try to make the Planet attractive for everyone, but they simply forgott players like me, and there are enough players like me. Such players are a rarity on Ark and u dont see them often on this planet, if u see them on ark u dont see them for long.And why???
    Guess i cant be so wrong with what i am thinking.

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  10. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    I am not prepared to get into a personal argument about this, I tried to address your issues in a considered and impersonal way, If I failed then my apologies.

    But I do take issue with 2 of your points.
    Quote: 'if u are not looking for this swirlys u should not playing a RCE game' That is a's a game.. not all players are hunters, some see it as 'just a game' for others it is a gamble or even a business. If every player here only played in order to profit all of the time, then MA would go broke in a week and we would have no game.
    Hell real life is an RCE too, and I have fun there also and just like in EU I sometimes have to pay to play.

    Also as a warp service provider I regularly transport many players at your level even perhaps higher, to and from Ark. They obviously find things here to their liking.
    So while I believe you have every right to your own opinion of Ark and the hunt opportunities here, please stop and consider that your assumptions about the preferences of others may be wide of the mark.

    The idea that all ubers have to hunt at their max all the time is plainly untrue. I have seen ubers hunt mobs naked with just a blade, I have seen them still enjoy a TT hunt with newer socmates or friends.

    I may not be deemed an uber, but neither am I a newb. I am quite capable of hunting all but the higher maturity Yuka solo, with average armour and an E.L.M. gun. I do therefore fully appreciate that as the EU population ages that the number of ubers will increase and that the introduction of new species for the more experienced hunters, harder BP's for crafters and deeper/rarer finds for miners will all need to be considered.

    As for ubers being ignored..
    On a quick count of the mobs on Ark and in ark underground (ignoring punies, instance specific mobs and mutateds) I believe there are approx. 30 different species. Of these Yuka, high maturity Korwil, Scoria, and the oratan miner elite at Limbo firebase would I think be at or around the level you seek. This is some 12%+ of the mobs above puny, which given the percentage of ubers in the game I would say means you are actually fairly well represented. It may not seem to be as wide a choice as say Calypso, but that is a much larger planet with far more species of mobs. I would be surprised if the proportions were not quite similar overall.

    one final thought.. we play games to relax, to have our own fantasy world away from real life. Sometimes just standing and staring at a beautiful piece of scenery as the sun goes down has far greater value than an ATH.
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  11. Grave Digger

    Grave Digger New Member

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    you dont get my point it seems, look at the whole post not only at one point i wrote.
    I've wrote already in my first post what mobs maybe worth to hunt, there is no need to repeat my words or mobs i've counted already just to fill your post.
    There are also big Kamaldon's or big Huon's but as on all other mobs and spawns the maturity is to mixed and the density of such mobs is to low, and such things is what i meant.

    Ofc there should be spawns like they are atm for ppl who like it as it is , but again u forgett the ppl they are able to shoot 2k ped/ hour and want to shoot 2k ped/hour, and this point u absolutly ignore.
    Why i should hunt mobs naked if i dont have to or need neither want?
    U should not Force someone to do something u like, everyone has diffrent views of fun, so let me mine.

    U said u flying alot ppl wich are my lvl to ark... Sunday i saw Star hunting some on Ark then he left again after 4-5 hours, wondering why!
    Joda,Linzey and others after GoldRush never seen again on Ark, if so,-not for long..wondering why!
    Smilgs...never seen on Ark past years.
    If any higher skilled player was on Ark the past few months, it was to unlock the Warehouse on Underground mobs, and most of them already left ark again because the Warehouse is a big disappointment.

    Ofc i dont want to change the Mind of anyone, neither yours, but respect my opinion and dont call me arrogant as u did in your first words in your first reply.
    There is so much space on Ark, there could be places how ubers like them too, not only how u like it.
    And that is what my whole OP was about.

    But i knew this Post would get on fire and lots of ppl would missunderstand and ignore my point

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  12. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Grave knows what he's talking about, don't know why people who like arkadia have a nee-jerk reaction to someone pointing out some of it's flaws. I'm an ark fan but there are some problems.

    1) Huon spawns were bad but the young spawn is now fixed and hopefully hawkwing will be looking into doing something better with the bigger spawn.

    2) I agree with grave on the mixed LAs. Whether you're hunting for a mission or for MU or for specific items, you only want to hunt one type of mob.

    3) Agree again on the uber mobs. The biggest mobs on ark aren't big enough to draw the ultra-uber. Yuka stalker is approx 8k health but a mulciber has 50k. It may also have something to do with what the mobs drop :)

    4) The instances are pointless. Who wants 70% tt return and very few item drops?
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  13. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    This is not what caused an emotional backlash. I believe it is blatantly obvious what did. Most seasoned players I know also know how to handle their communications with authorities, dev teams and the community. On Calypso we tend to be a lot more acerbic as reaction to their withdrawal from direct interaction with the player base, which is very different on the newer planets. They simply don't deserve to be talked to like that, even if you disagree with something.

    There is also the impression that someone who grinds über mobs feels entitled to proportional weight attributed to their opinion, which simply doesn't reflect very well. OP isn't the first and won't be the last to bang their head against the rock there.

    For farming mob-specific parts, the non-mutated versions are easily available (Magurg are the only exception). Rare and more valuable items in the loot can drop from anything and this is directed by MA only, not Arkadia or the LA owners. I am sure OP knows this, since he is experienced.

    Everybody who is older in game than Arkadia itself knows that Calypso used to be a lot more difficult to handle in this regard. Complaints about it came up occasionally but didn't garner a large followership. It simply is part of the character and for everyone who disagrees, someone else likes it that way. On Arkadia, the gripe is even less understandable. The "official" part of the planet pretty much offers what the private LA's do on Calypso. Most mob spawns are uniform and extremely grinder-friendly. So a very few places remain where completing missions is a bit more of a challenge. Jesus... if I play at a level to hunt Mulcibers this is a piece of cake and I'd feel ashamed to whine about it.

    And again the complaint is? There are places in the universe where such mobs are permanently available. On Arkadia the best equivalent are the big Oratan Lancers and recently Smuggler Mechs, which appear during events. I believe a request to make them a fixed installment or to create something new can be formulated in a much different way than OP did, and his voice would be appreciated.

    This has been discussed extensively and the arguments are around the forum, if one bothers to take a few minutes reading before letting off steam.
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  14. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    San, I think you are reading a lot into the OP that is not really justified. You may disagree with the content but it's actually constructive feedback that is neither rude nor disrespectful. I hope the devs will take it on board as they look at future development of the planet.

    I would note that one of LA owners (or his "minion") has already made some adjustment to mob settings as a result of this thread. Thumbs up to Snape for taking the feedback and acting on it.

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  15. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I don't know, I'm not free from making mistakes or overreacting, but if this is as you say, we are speaking different languages. If I was a dev waking up to the task of extracting valid feedback out of such a piece, my day would be soured. Okay, if it moved an overworked admin to shift his preferences for a moment to fix the darned Huon spawn, fine. It is a business decision, after all.

    Experienced player or not, coming to the forum with the first post like this and even stating that judgment was passed after spending just one day, all adds to the picture. And in the follow-up we're called too thick to get the point, thanks very much. Of course I am unfettered since I don't know OP personally. I may like to change that, but the bias now was introduced by himself and not others.

    I didn't mean to disagree with stated preferences, in case you read that from my comments. This would be pointless, everyone likes different things also depending on financial prowess and where they stand in their skill progress. I just tried to point out that ample choice exists to accomodate the whole spectrum. Not the entire spectrum exists in every location though, but it is new to me that this would be demanded to make any sense at all.

    I hope Mr. Grave Digger feels welcome back to Arkadia, possibly for one of the next big events. He'll know how to wield his power for a chance to cream off the best loots for reconciliation. For us peasants, it will be something to witness and aspire to. No, honestly. This planet's core community tends to display (a little) less envy than experienced elsewhere. They'll be happy for you to "steal their Hof's".
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  16. The Jetman

    The Jetman Member

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    I understand what he means about the uber mobs, but he came across a little too strong and its got peoples backs up. on Ark there is no big mission like the hussk, no super high HP mob, and no chance of a uber gun (caly has dropped worm armor & Linzey had some good UL guns)
  17. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Hi San,

    It wasn't Grave's first visit to Arkadia. But clearly this most recent trip was disappointing enough that he chose not to hang around. I'm sorry you were offended by way he expressed himself but if you go back and re-read I think you will find he didn't call anyone thick or deficient in some way. He did write that Granny missed the point of his post and went on to explain why.

    You write that there is ample choice to accommodate all players. I don't agree. At laser pistol 76 and 209 hp, I am by no means an uber by today's standards, and I can solo most mobs on Arkadia, including Yuka up to Alpha, and Mech II. The mobs I can't handle include the biggest Yuka, Oratan miner elites, smuggler charlie+ and the lancer titans that spawn during the oratan wave event. So for someone my level, Arkadia is challenging and entertaining. But for the actual ubers like Grave, there really isnt much to challenge them here. I'm not claiming there is nothing for ubers to do here. My soc (Dark Knights) have some very high level members (I am the soc noob) and they spend a lot of time on Ark. But if you are the type of uber player that wants to grind huge tough mobs, if you want to cycle crazy amounts of peds because that's your preferred play style then Arkadia is not really a good place to do that. I think the ubers could be better catered for without inconveniencing the rest of us and if that were to happen then there would be a positive impact on the overall Arkadian economy. But of course that's just my view.

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  18. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    My personal problem was with this line alone (especially the part I made in red):

    I think it is OK to play for swirlies if that's what triggers your fun and I think is OK to expect a good enough spawn to allow you to do so.

    I think it is WRONG to consider that's the only way one can play the game and tell everyone else that they should not the play the game, just because they enjoy playing it differently.
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  19. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Hi Kikki,

    Thank you very much for taking the time to respond. Of course I didn't have to get offended on behalf of someone else (the Ark devs), so no need to be sorry either ;) I guess what offended me was this big chip of entitlement carried on the shoulder. I can explain in a minute where I've seen that before.

    There are ways of requesting changes or additions which will draw a favourable response with much greater certainty. It just makes business sense if you want something. I guess I spent too much time in Asia -- as it happens, most of it in the same place where Arkadia Studios lives -- and got accustomed to their way of doing things. You don't have to be Asian yourself, after a while of immersion in the culture you appreciate it and get estranged when the standard suddenly is violated. Had a bunch of highly educated fellow Germans (PhD's in economics and such) with American consultants on the coat-tail jet in and unravel within minutes the relations which had taken me weeks to build up for them. Alamak, ang-moh lah... :facepalm3: At least the food was great for the time being.

    With the availability of choices for all players, I meant the universe, not just Arkadia. Sorry I wasn't expressing it quite clearly. Yes, on Ark there is something missing at the top end, there is no equivalent for Daspletor and Warlock and such (although I once thought big Yuka and Kamaldon are already quite massive, but it's all a matter of perspective). I just thought it unfounded to dismiss the whole place because of that and it seems I'm not the only one who picked that up.

    With all that, maybe we can just start afresh and say Hello, how about some really big mobs and incentives that would attract high rollers? Because we already have everything for the small guy now and an influx of real money certainly wouldn't hurt. The Smuggler route takes a long time to play, some folks are more the here-and-now type and are prepared to splurge on it. A possible vision...
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    Last edited: Apr 12, 2016
  20. Grave Digger

    Grave Digger New Member

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    I am so sorry if u think i was the first time on Ark, i was since release of Ark there from time to time.
    I was on Ark during the GoldRush event wich was best event i've ever expirienced from the whole Universe because the dev's made some amazing rewards for everyone who participated ( talking about Evade and skillpill rewards)
    Also last few months every week, but u cant see globals from me if i am in a Team with my wife, friend whoever.

    I am sorry if u think i've just sign up in this Forum to dirsturb anyone, that isnt the case.
    I've made this post to give the developer a incentive to do something for the whole range of players and not only for midlvl and newcommers.

    Further i am not looking for the one ultra-uber-mob, some ppl interpret this (weird coz i've never wrote anything about this).
    I would even happy with a spawn of young Yuka,young Kamaldon etc..... if the density were good, but that isnt the case.

    I guess i am a bit expirienced in EU and have seen alot things happend and changed, but to get under fire becuase i try'd to make a suggestion to improve things, is something i've never expirienced b4.

    I am a quiet gamer,i was never someone who was Bigmouth in Game and i was never someone who wrote much in Forums compared to someone that makes about 600 post in 1 year.
    I Prefer to play the game we talking about and not write about the game .

    I guess u will find again words in my post u can interpret wrong, probably its my English or maybe u just want ignore what i was talking about the whole time

    Mr.Grave Digger
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