Give MU and Meaning Back to Useless Items in the Game

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by bobbyk, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. bobbyk

    bobbyk Member

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    As many hunters already know and the main reason I quit hunting and went to mining, there are so many items still dropping as loot from mobs that have had 0 markup for years.

    I ask MindArk to please implement some new blueprints or find a way to bring life back into these junk items in which players are left either TT'ing or stacking into their storage for eternity.

    Some examples are animal parts, animal hides, treasure hunting resources...(I refuse to mine for treasure for this reason)

    I don't think there isn't one category of items that doesn't have several different useless looted items with no meaning, purpose, or markup in the game.
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  2. ihazbackup

    ihazbackup Member

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    Muscle oils aren't that hard to sell. There's always someone who wants them, even with only 103%MU or so. Even crafters start buying animal hides nowadays (I managed to sell them quite a bunch @ 105%. Good thing I stored them at storage instead of TT-ing them). Eye oils and other oils aren't selling well, though. It's always an everyday struggle whether to TT them or to keep them in the storage, hoping for an increase in MU

    Once again, it's the matter of finding/hunting mobs with nice MU on their loot. But when a lot of hunters hunt them, MU will drop again like crazy.
  3. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    try crafting yourself... pick up a few bps that use the components you are having problems selling and click away.
  4. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    The success in the game is about identifying a niche and exploiting it. Crafting is an art. You would be surprised what gets sold when it hasn't been available for some time.
  5. bobbyk

    bobbyk Member

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    I meant animal parts like Nusul Ears, etc. Sorry, I should have made that a bit more detailed.
  6. bobbyk

    bobbyk Member

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    Crafting takes too much of a PED investment for me to really get into. I have done a lot of crafting textures and components, but can't afford to get the BP's all to 100 quality and I don't really enjoy crafting. I'd rather mine or hunt with my PED.
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  7. Ahrotahn

    Ahrotahn Member

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    I just made another post talking a bit about this as well. I totally agree. Combined with the AH price being so high (1PED) for cheaper TT value items, it's almost impossible to sell lower tier items like new players (me) can loot. I have no problem waiting a while, but if there were items (even just components for items) that could be made/sold on the new player end and the auctions were based solely on sale price, and not based on 1PED payment just to list, it would make a lot more sense. This isn't even a hard change.

    If there were items that were of SOME benefit at lower level, then more crafters may be involved that were new. And new crafters turn into old/experienced crafters.

    Another idea I had to help this was to add "item quality" to the BPs. So higher tier animals etc would drop higher quality items. Nusul ear 50% or Nusul ear 100%. Increasingly rare at higher levels, but make incrementally higher quality guns/gear/parts/vehicles. So instead of crafting a gun and either "success" or not with the same stats, just different TT level, you would get succes/near success with stats on a weapon that would vary based on the quality of SOME items used to craft it. Also adds an additional reason for higher end hunters/crafters to do what they do: To make the best XYZ in the game.